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 Transforming neighborhoods 

 one safe school zone at a time 

Schools are at the heart of any community: a place where children, parents, families, and local businesses all intersect.  The heartbeat of a school are its students, potential leaders of tomorrow. 

What better place to start a ripple effect of safety & compassion, that cocreates a safer, resilient, democratic access to schools, kinder places, and active citizenship at this centre of the community?

Crosswalk enables communities to walk towards a safer, equitable and equal present for a compassionate future.
CROSSWALK is a six-part Design Thinking intervention.

We catalyze real change through curriculum, data collection, workshops & programs, and partnerships with local government. Students learn life skills & 21st-century skills like compassion, critical thinking, and communication, while co-designing their spaces.

This process can be applied to any problem, empowering children with a framework they can use forever, and the confidence to believe they can be changemakers.
Solution Offerings

Training Workshop

Survey & Data

Community Lab

Design Curriculum & Services

CROSSWALK has three main components.
The Codesign Curriculum, COMPASS data tool, and Community Co-Lab
CoDesign Curriculum

We convert a classroom to a world full of possibilities and a unified dream.



I want bench for my mother because she has to wait for children.

Priyanka, 9 years old


There should be more streetlight because if anyone travels from anywhere at night they can see signs and go ahead where they want.

Avika, 9 years old


Children express their emotions, reimagine their spaces, learn about their rights and co-design a safe and compassionate access to their schools.

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Data tool for school authorities and decision makers enabling clear visualization of school population, access and challenges. Schools may consider the number of students, but not always their school journey for every school going child.

his includes populations that are marginalized, differently- abled students, girls, low income populations, etc. 

Compass allows students and administrators to design better everyday solutions by providing intuitive data on school access & community.
Community CoLab

True Community Collaboration: Children lead the way and connect the dots between their school, public spaces, families and political leaders

Leadership & Public Places: City leaders play a key role in catalyzing changes designed by children, so that these are effectively implemented on the ground.

250 meters of Happiness
India first student friendly school zone. Sanctioned by Delhi Government. Codesigned by 9y old humans.

HumanQind translates the vision into a compassionate and equitable plan for the neighborhood that can be replicated and scaled.

The design process is embedded in the tenets of Agenda 2030, the New Urban Agenda and the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

Impact Crosswalk #1:  10000+ children | 4 Schools |  7000 sq.m. of community space designed by children | Happiness in community

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